XXI Əsr Beynəlxalq Təhsil və İnnovasiya Mərkəzi

Physics teacher





Primary Responsibilities:

The main function of the person who will work as a Science teacher is to form students in relation with the school mission*, core values ​​and characteristics of the student profile of the “XXI Century International Education and Innovation Center” LLC, taking into account the age and learning status of students and to:

  • To manage student learning through effective teaching in accordance with the Department’s schemes of work and policies
  • To ensure continuity, progression and cohesiveness in all teaching
  • To use a variety of methods and approaches to match curricular objectives and the range of student needs and ensure equal opportunity for all students.
  • To set homework regularly (in accordance with the departmental homework policy), to consolidate and extend learning and to encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning.
  • To work effectively as a member of the department team to improve the quality of teaching and learning.
  • To set high expectations for all students, to deepen their knowledge and understanding and to maximise their achievement
  • To use positive management of behaviour in an environment of mutual respect, which allows students to feel safe and secure, and promotes their self-esteem.
  • To be a role model to students through personal presentation and professional conduct.
  • To arrive in class before the start of the lesson, and to begin and end the lesson on time.
  • To cooperate with the school on all matters concerning Health and Safety and specifically to take reasonable care of their own Health and Safety and that of any other person who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.
  • To be familiar with and support all of the school and department policies.
  • To establish effective working relationships with professional colleagues and associate staff.
  • To strive for personal and professional development through active involvement in the school’s induction programme, staff development and performance management procedures.
  • To liaise effectively with parents/ guardians.
  • To undertake any reasonable task as directed by the Line Manager
  • To uphold the ethos of the school, including its emphasis on pastoral care for individual students.

Work experience: Minimum of 2 years of work experience.

Work schedule: 08:00-16:00 (36 hours per week)



  • A strong academic background and a good honours degree in a related subject.
  • The ability to teach IGCSE, AS, and A Level Physics.
  • Committed to the safeguarding and wellbeing of children and young people.
  • Commitment to participation in the co-curricular programme of the school.
  • Able to respond flexibly to the demands of working in a school environment.

Knowledge and Skills:

  • The ability to reflect on own teaching practice, adopting teaching strategies and techniques based on departmental/senior leadership team feedback.
  • The ability to motivate students to achieve their best.
  • A passion for teaching Physics.
  • Well organised, able to approach work methodically, prioritise, and meet deadlines.
  • Excellent organisational and time management skills.
  • Competency in the use of ICT for administrative and teaching purposes.
  • Communication and Collaboration:
  • Effective communication skills.
  • Good collaborative skills, able to quickly establish internal and external working relationships with key people across the school, including colleagues, students, and parents.

Personal Qualities:

  • An empathetic, enthusiastic, and well-presented person, capable of inspiring confidence in students, parents, and staff.

Vakansiya haqqında

Son tarix

April 12, 2025


mart 3, 2025

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