İnnovasiya və Rəqəmsal İnkişaf Agentliyi

Brand Manager




  • Creating and implementing strategic plans to enhance brand awareness, visibility, and equity;
  • Identifying the brand's unique value proposition and positioning it effectively in the target market;
  • Planning and executing marketing campaigns, promotions, and initiatives to drive brand engagement and loyalty;
  • Collaborating with product development teams to ensure alignment between brand messaging and product offerings;
  • Conducting market research and analysis to understand consumer behavior, preferences, and market trends;
  • Collaborating with cross-functional teams such as sales, advertising, and public relations to ensure consistent brand messaging and communication.


  • 3-4 years of BM experience (preferably with digital products : both ATL & BTL)
  • University degree in BA, Marketing or related majors;
  • Good interpersonal skills and experience with managing big teams; 
  • Fluency in Azerbaijani and English, Russian is a plus
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Office programs with focus on power point, presentational skills. 

Vakansiya haqqında

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noyabr 19, 2024


oktyabr 10, 2024

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