İnnovasiya və Rəqəmsal İnkişaf Agentliyi

Senior Specialist Strategic Analysis




  • Develop and implement strategic planning frameworks to support the agency’s vision and goals;
  • Propose innovative solutions to business problems and optimize existing processes;
  • Conduct thorough research and analysis of industry trends, global markets, and best practices to identify opportunities and challenges;
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to gather insights and data for strategy formulation;
  • Assist in defining key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to measure the success of strategic initiatives;
  • Provide methodological support during the requirements analysis phase of projects;
  • Analyze current systems and workflows to identify gaps and recommend improvements;
  • Participate in the preparation of action plans and ensure alignment with overall goals.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Economics, Strategic Management, or a related field;
  • A minimum of 3 years of experience in strategic planning, market research, or business analysis; 
  • Proven experience in preparing business cases; 
  • Experience in digital transformation projects and knowledge of modern technologies; 
  • Strong understanding of local and international market dynamics and trends, particularly in innovation and digital development;
  • Proven ability to perform in-depth research and present complex data in an accessible manner;
  • Strong documentation and technical writing skills, with expertise in visual presentation tools
  • Possess strong analytical, strategic and conceptual thinking skills; 
  • Strong team player with good communication (oral and written) and interpersonal skills; 
  • Familiarity with strategy tools and frameworks; 
  • Professional certifications in Business Analysis (e.g., CBAP, PBA);
  • Experience in innovation, ICT, or digital transformation sectors. 

Vakansiya haqqında

Son tarix

yanvar 21, 2025


dekabr 12, 2024

Vakansiya növü

Tam ştat


3-4 il

Vəzifə dərəcəsi



Elm, Texnologiya və Mühəndislik