Ana səhifə
Agriculture / R&D Intern

Agriculture / R&D Intern





We are looking for an Agricultural R&D Intern and in this position, you will support the research activities for cotton farming developments. You will assist with the overall management of research plots and develop operational knowledge in the area of related research.

Essential Jobs Functions:

• Assist with data collection in field trials, such as stand counts, stand ratings, and disease ratings;

• Supervise temporary work crews;

• Assist in trial management including to but not limited to seeding, cultivating, and harvesting;

• Assist as needed with regulated Yield Trials;

• Work non-standard hours as needed;

• Assist with maintaining the research station grounds and facilities as needed;

• Travel and/or drive on behalf of the business;

• Meet attendance requirements;

• Other duties as needed by the business.


Qualifications and Experience:

• Strong computer skills;

• Bachelor Diploma or equivalent;

• Demonstrated experience working independently;

• Strong problem solving, decision making, and organizational skills;

• Able to work weekends and varying hours;

• Valid Driver’s License and the ability to travel.


Preferred Qualifications:

• Enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Associate Degree program pursuing Agriculture, Agronomy, Soil Sciences, Horticulture or related field;

• Basic farm and crop science knowledge;

• Experience operating farm equipment;

• Experience in agriculture research.

Vakansiya haqqında

Son tarix

avqust 14, 2024


iyul 15, 2024

Vakansiya növü



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